
Listening to our favorite songs have physically shown to make us happy. It shows by the dilation of the pupils, an increase in blood pressure, faster pulse, and activation of areas of the brain involved in physical arousal. There was a study done by Montreal researchers where they made people listen to music and recorded the results. The images of the participant’s brains concluded that there was a release of dopamine in the dorsal and ventral stratum. These two areas usually have an incoming flow of dopamine by a drug, any type of sexual intercourse, foods, or gambling; basically, anything that you can become addicted to. It is evident that listen to music triggers the same neural processes that support the brain’s ability to produce feelings of euphoria, which is basically a state where you feel intense excitement and happiness. It is also known that new music has more effect than music you already know because of the excitement any person feels when they are experiencing something different than they ever have before.

As for the type of music, there is not a specific genre that will make everyone happy. It depends on what type of music attracts you and what type you like. Any genre that you are personally drawn to will make you happy. Personally, I like a lot of different types of music so a lot of it brings me joy. When I want to increase my happiness, I would listen to mostly anything upbeat. That could be country, rap, or hip-hop. Anything with a fast rhythm and beat and happy uplifting lyrics.

Since music affects your body in the same way as addictive drugs, actions, and substances do, it can be very effective to increase your happiness and that is why so many people listen to music.  

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