Promotes Togetherness

One thing I have never noticed before is that throughout many of the most important occasions in our lives there is always music being played. Music is played at graduations, weddings, and even funerals. There is something about music that seems to bring people together as a community on many different occasions.

In the end, it all comes down to relatability. If you relate to a song that another person relates to, a connection develops. For some reason, music has the power to connect people with just words and a beat.

For teens, finding others who share the same love for certain music, artists, or songs can give them a sense of belonging. People can find a community through the type of music they listen to. Ultimately, the bond that is crated usually helps each individual better understand themselves as a result.

It is also shown that playing music with others is also just as effective. One study showed participants having higher pain thresholds when performing music together through singing, playing instruments, and dancing rather than alone. There is an increase of endorphin release after playing together and this impacts the neurochemicals of the brain. Because of this, we become more comfortable with one another which brings everyone closer together and happy.

Concerts are a great way for people to connect through music. When you are listening to an artist no one is worried people’s race, backgrounds, culture, or how they identify themselves. No one is there to judge; everyone just wants to enjoy and be moved by the music. This is why it is so easy for music to bring everyone together, there is no judgement.

Whether it is a concert, social event, or a celebration music can help us connect with the people and community around us. If we want a more harmonious society, we need music in our lives.

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